The Macalope hates to harp on George Ou…
(Well, not really, but play along.)
…but while he was perusing Ou’s site for that SecureWorks bombshell he promised over a week ago, he came across a rather… telling… bit of Ou “logic.”
Discussing the cracking of Microsoft’s Plays4SureDudeLikeTotally DRM, Ou writes:
While the music companies will cringe at this technology, this might ironically have an upside for Microsoft’s soon to be released Zune player since many consumers view a weaker DRM as a better DRM.
Uh, right.
George, what you call “weaker DRM” most people think of as “DRM that gives the customer more rights to play the music they purchased anywhere and any way they want.” As opposed to restrictive DRM that’s implemented poorly.
Do you see the difference?
The Macalope has seen this kind of spin before. No matter what happens, events must always favor Microsoft. The iPod has claimed 75 percent marketshare? Surely it just means people will be burned out on it and it’ll soon no longer be “cool.” Zune 4 evah!
At the end of the day, what kind of DRM do people really like?
Well, the kind that plays on an iPod, of course.
Now if they could just come up with some headphones that don’t get all tangled in your antlers.
“At the end of the day, what kind of DRM do people really like?”
Good question. But tell me, do you still beat your wife?
Sure, there’s the “all DRM is evil” contingent. It tends to overlap with the “commercial software is evil” contingent. While it’s lovely that Linux, free software and DRM-free audio formats exist for those people, they aren’t much of a market.
Most people understand that DRM is a necessary hassle if the major labels are going to license any of their content.