As long as we're comparing sizes…

The AT&T tree-killing bill.

The Macalope is ashamed to say that his one and only vente-sized AT&T bill was only “28” pages (which is really 14 since it’s double-sided) long.

That’s not really something you’d expect from a mythical beast of the Macalope’s stature, but he can explain.

The water was really cold.

8 thoughts on “As long as we're comparing sizes…”

  1. Two friends walking across the river on a brisk day decide to relieve themselves over the side of the bridge.

    “Man, this water’s cold,” says the first.

    “And deep,” replies the second.

  2. How come this is on the “classic” site? Is it because it deals with AT&T? Or because of the phallic innuendo? No criticism, just curious. And glad to see something pop up here, even if I was hoping the Macalope after dark would be a little more seedy.

  3. How come this is on the “classic” site? Is it because it deals with AT&T? Or because of the phallic innuendo? No criticism, just curious. And glad to see something pop up here, even if I was hoping the Macalope after dark would be a little more seedy.

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