9 thoughts on “Shocking”

  1. I tend to stop reading when grammatical mistakes are found in the very first paragraph:

    “Here at Strand Consult we have been following the iPhone market and how it has been developing since the beginning.”

    ‘has been developing’ . . . I think I just threw-up in my mouth.

    1. Josh, what is the problem with the phrase “…has been developing”?

      I’m not a native speaker so it seemed perfectly fine to me.

  2. “Apple probably has the most loyal and fantastic customers in the world.” I thought the Macalope was the only fantastic Apple customer — oops, fantastic Apple product.

  3. Some of the arguments are true, most are just hysterically funny. I especially love the one about gaming. Yeah, J2ME would work much better than cocoa and OpenGL based 3d gaming.

  4. The Strand reports domain is owned by Strand Consult ApS – Wireless Scandinavia. The Scandinavian region is comprised of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Finland is also considered part of Scandinavia. Hmm. Finland. Is there any company in Finland with an ax to grind with Apple……..

    1. Strand Consult seems to be based in Denmark. Assuming a connection between a Danish consult firm and a certain Finland based — US owned — mobile phone company is quite a reach without additional proof.

  5. Strand Consult is a one-man consultancy, and one could argue that he is the Danish version of Rob Enderle.

    Unfortunately Danish medias keep using Strand Consult when talking about mobile phones, especially the iPhone. It is very frustrating when his “predictions” show up on otherwise serious news sites and are treated like facts.

    You should read this article on how Strand Consult gets it wrong ten times out of ten:

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