5 thoughts on “iPad Derangement Syndrome”

  1. “Complaining that the iPad lacks Flash is like complaining that a flying car doesn’t have tires.”

    Yep. My favorite is what Henry Ford said: “If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they’d have said a faster horse.”

  2. I especially love the iPad articles that go on about flash and how youtube and BBC iPlayer are just two examples of sites you won’t be able to visit.

    Wait a second, Ummm I’ve been enjoying both of those on my iPhone since day one. the stream h.264 as well as flash. I love well researched articles by tech journalists. *slaps forehead*

  3. and their current ‘survey’?

    “Are women tech savvy and smarter than men?”

    i wonder if the ‘results’ are going to be regurgitated by the usual suspects as well…

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