9 thoughts on “Is this bugging you?”

  1. I am 38 years old and read stories on the internet daily. I rarely ever comment. I have to say that this was one of the poorest articles that I have ever seen let get posted by a company. This is just a brain dump and rant that has no flow, horrible grammatics, and jumps from one topic to another. I read the whole thing three times and am completely lost. Sarcasim that did not make sense, vague references, opinion, half thoughts, etc. This was as succinct as a cricket going through a mud puddle in february in amsterdam. WTF?

    1. I am old and read silly posts on the internet daily. I rarely ever reply. I have to say that this was one of the poorest comments that I have ever seen let get posted by a blogger. This is just a crap dump and rant that has no flow, horrible grammar, and makes no point whatsoever. He (I will assume) could use a spell checker and, more importantly, a good dictionary of cliches. I read that cricket thing three times and am completely lost. I have now exceeded the FDA maximum permissible daily dosage of irony, and have started bleeding from my eyes.

  2. “I am 38 years old and read stories on the internet daily. I rarely ever comment. I have to say that this was one of the poorest articles that I have ever seen let get posted by a company.”

    This wasn’t the Macalope’s best piece, but if saying it’s the worst you’ve ever read proves only that either you’re lying when you say you read stories on the internet daily or you have really bad taste. Given your Amsterdam analogy, I’m guessing it may be the latter.

  3. I too was disappointed by the poor grammatics and senseless sarcasim. I strongly urge the writer to obtain a copy of Strunk & White’s timeless “The Elements of Grammatics & Sarcasim,” available wherever imaginary books are sold.

  4. I thought Mac Alope’s article was fine. The articles he criticized were pretty awful. Maybe (hopefully) that’s what the first commented was saying.

    I laughed out loud for each article, since their first sentences were self-answering questions:

    “Six weeks into the post-iPad world, has Apple’s tablet really had an impact?”

    The fact that “post-iPad world” makes any sense proves the impact of the iPad. It’s also an annoyingly baiting question, since be the end he finally gets around to saying it has had an impact.

    “But will the popularity of the iPad eventually mean that Steve Jobs will have to let iPad owners have Flash?”

    This makes no sense. It’s a bit like asking “will having a well-paying job make you more dependent on your parents?”. He also eventually gets around to saying the right answer: no.

    Keep up the good work, oh horny one. But please do consider publishing more often. Waiting a week for a sanity fix is torture!

  5. I’m waiting for the article “Six weeks into the post-KIN world, have Microsoft’s phones really had an impact?”

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