Samsung says it was misquoted about “small” sales, Netgear’s CEO wishes he could say the same and… Is It Competition Yet? All in this week’s Macworld column.
Lots of terrible mis-quoting this week, real and imagined!
Full of sound and furry
Lots of terrible mis-quoting this week, real and imagined!
Samsung says it was misquoted about “small” sales, Netgear’s CEO wishes he could say the same and… Is It Competition Yet? All in this week’s Macworld column.
As calculated at if Samsung’s Galaxy Tab sales to distributors were 2 million and their 2% return rate was based on that figure, and ITG’s return rate calculation was based on actual sales to consumers, then total sales to consumers could be as low as 225 thousand.
In this context, the words “quite small” would be very accurate.