Uh, nice lede, CNN

Al Qaeda Inc. might suffer some initial setbacks from Osama bin Laden’s death, but so did Apple Inc. when shares dropped over rumors of Steve Jobs’ illness. But it did not take long to realize that Jobs has established a highly functional corporation, and the shares bounced back.

Drug trafficking, kidnapping fund al Qaeda (tip o’ the antlers to Dan Frakes)

  • But do they have a Jonathan bin Ive or Tim Al-Cook? I think not. My money stays with AAPL.

  • N8nNC:

    CNN Inc. might suffer some initial setbacks from emulating Fox News’ sensationalism, but so did Apple Inc. when shares dropped over rumors of Steve Jobs’ illness. But it did not take long to realize that Jobs has established a highly functional corporation, and the shares bounced back. Unfortunately, CNN and cable news may never recover.

  • kurkosdr:

    Wow, what a lame new report from CNN. Comparing a legitimate and beneficial to the public company (Apple) with a terrorist organization run by fanatics (Al Queda)

    Even if the analogy would be correct, it’s still lame…

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