This week’s Macworld column looks at iPhone pre-hate, trite pop culture comparisons to Apple and an “Android is winning” pundit who misses on some very basic facts.
Who writes this stuff?
iPhone hate, trite comparisons and… ANDROID IS WINNING.
Full of sound and furry
iPhone hate, trite comparisons and… ANDROID IS WINNING.
This week’s Macworld column looks at iPhone pre-hate, trite pop culture comparisons to Apple and an “Android is winning” pundit who misses on some very basic facts.
Apple has jumped the shark. You know, the kinds of sharks that live in a sea of cash.
And as if that wasn’t enough, Dvorak’s diaper needs changed again:,2817,2409705,00.asp
Tim Cook needs to demonstrate to investors his way of doing things by being exactly like Steve.
Apple’s Destruction: Fool-ly Explained:
The man who helped put Apple on the map would never have released iOS 6!
Wake up call
I feel like I’m spamming your site with comments, and for that I sincerely apologize. But the world is filled with so many fools, so without further ado: