Put down that iPhone!
This week’s Macworld piece talks about the Gadget of the Year and AT&T’s comments on iPhone use and wonders who Wall Street is to be pointing fingers.
This week’s Macworld piece talks about the Gadget of the Year and AT&T’s comments on iPhone use and wonders who Wall Street is to be pointing fingers.
This week’s piece on Macworld looks at expected growth in the number of iPhone apps (every app is sacred!) and Mac market share numbers.
This week’s piece at Macworld covers Microsoft’s dancing fools and fools of other stripes.
It’s delightful watching Joe Wilcox’s meltdown after being called out for ignoring the huge effect of Apple’s accounting methods in his piece claiming Apple was not more profitable that Nokia. His protestations to the contrary notwithstanding, there really is no way to read Wilcox’s initial post and think he knew about Apple’s accounting.
This comment by Joe is particularly amusing:
I’m not sweating the John Gruber attack, although his hit-and-run tactics without comments for defense is disturbing. He has one voice for which there is no rebuttal.
Shorter Joe Wilcox: Gruber must be wrong because he doesn’t allow comments on his blog.
Personally, the Macalope finds it highly disturbing that Joe’s blog — which forces you to sign up for an account before you can leave a comment — doesn’t provide permalinks for individual comments. WHAT ARE YOU HIDING, JOE?
This week’s piece at Macworld looks at a Microsoft exec’s comments about copying the Mac, more App Store ridiculousness and some silly pundits who want Apple to focus on market share… just because!
This week’s piece at Macworld looks at the return of Retrevo, silly punditry from Joe Wilcox and changes at the Apple Store.
The Macalope wondered on this one about linking to Retrevo again, but he can’t really blame them. They’re just trying to promote their little sales aggregation site or piano cat videos or whatever it is they do. And they were very nice when the horny one emailed them a couple of questions about the most recent survey. Which, after the way he responded to their last survey, was big of them, even if it just goes to prove the point that they’re more interested in the links than the science.
The Macalope always gets asked, why do you link to these kinds of people?! Why are you an enabler?!
The Macalope has gone back and forth on this issue, but it’s not like not talking about it is going to make it go away. The horny one is not the Lathe of Heaven. He can no more dream Retrevo away by not linking to them than he can dream away hoof-and-mouth disease by toweling off the foam on his mouth.
This week’s Macworld piece takes a big heapin’ helpin’ o’ Rob Enderle, looks in horror at the Microsoft Store opening and what’s missing from Windows 7.
The horny one got tired of spending his days and nights fighting malware, so the site is now hosted on WordPress.com. Let them deal with it.
Alas, the old theme could not come along for the ride. The hastily slapped together image above is a placeholder. Something new should be up in, oh, 4-5 years.
Dan Moren has tagged all the Macalope’s Macworld pieces for your browsing convenience.
This week’s Macworld piece discusses whether the Windows 7 upgrade will be good or bad for Apple, talks about some potential new “I’m a Mac” ads and then Michael Dell goes wild!