Apple rumors raw and uncut!

Think Secret launches Secret Notes, a shoot-from-the-hip companion blog.

As many of the news tips on Secret Notes will be works-in-progress that are not yet ready for the front page of Think Secret, they should be read with more skepticism than regular stories.

Thank god someone will finally be cutting out all that heavy-handed editing and fact checking and double-sourcing and…

Wait, what?

  • I feel bad for Think Secret. They don’t have any real sources anymore after Apple slapped their hands.

    “As many of the news tips on Secret Notes will be works-in-progress that are not yet ready for the front page of Think Secret, they should be read with more skepticism than regular stories.”

    They’re really desperate for top secret info =(

  • John Muir:

    TS is just in the same boat as most members of the rumour mill. Circulate that gossip, and ponder “implications”, “precdent” and “trends”. The actual leaks have always been the minority of content there and everywhere else I gather. Otherwise someone at Cupertino has a crack squad of double agents to leak misinformation which is patently ridiculous … Or Is It??? 😉

    Entertainment first, facts second. It’s the kind of mainstream journalism we all love!

  • Blain:

    Am I the only one tempted to make a game out of it? To play the part of mole, and see how out there a rumor can be to “make it?” Something like, since iTV has wireless, the gameboy DS has wireless, and the nintendo/Apple synergy, build up a rumor of Gameboy/iTV/iTMS interopability, where one can use an iTV to download nintendo rereleases (purchased through iTMS).

    Extra points for each company added to the rumor, photoshoperies, and like scrabble, you can build upon someone else’s rumor.

    Double rumor score if it makes Think Secret’s main page.

  • Blain, that’s all going to work on the iPhone too, from Cingular. 😉
    It’s been a shame to see Think Secret degenerate down to the level of essentially MacOSRumors. A couple decent leads, all boiled down to nada.

  • Roberto:

    Think Secret is shit and the people who run it are a bunch of freakin’ jagoffs.
    I never go there after they committed the ultimate betrayal of Apple.
    Don’t support them; you’ll get better products from Apple.

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